MOUTH and FOOT dis-ease

Well, we've got it all! My mouth and Juli's leg.
I am now very much sympathetic to the poor teething baby seen here. I have caught myself numerous times jamming my fingers to the very back of my mouth to push on the swollen gums where my wisdom tooth is trying to come in. This would all be normal and bearable if it weren't for one is coming in to the side rather then straight down! Yes...owwww. Calling the dentist tomorrow. It will be my first sugery - and I hope they dope me up!

And this is what Juli's leg looks like. Ringworm I guess. For some reason I thought ring worm looked more like a around the edges and clean on the inside. But this is a pic I found online and it looks just like what she's got. Yuck...guess I'll be calling her doc tomorrow too. What do they do for ringworm? And where in the world did my little OCD girly girl get it?!
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