Me and My Groupies

I am a stay at home mom to the 2 cutest groupies a cowgirl could ever wish for! My Hubby and I are and have been best friends for as long as I can remember and that makes for some good....:)~ Needless to say my family is the love of my life!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Shuffle to the left...

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shuffle to the right! This IPOD shuffle is what's on the way to my house as we speak! I am psyched! I'm doin the Ord shuffle dance about it. Yea...don't pretend you don't do it too every time it comes on Dragon Tails - all you moms out there! My DH has an MP3 player that I never get to use and my old CD player kinda disappeared...maybe I made it disappear! I really don't remember (it's been that long since I had any portable music). The first songs goin on it are all Johnny Cash songs! Get a Rhythm baby!
And the Winterfresh gum reminds me - seen their comercials lately? What a riot - "Be like a crow? No! crows are ugly! Blech! - ya be a big cock, put on feathers and strut your stuff!" and then "chew Winterfresh...oh lovey love love!" If you haven't seen it you must! Winterfresh
click on "cool breath power" and "attraction chronicles" and laugh your ass off!


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