Weekend fun!

Ben and Juli's auntie came to see us this weekend - it's always fun times when she visits. Playing, drawing, chatting - Not to mention the ringside view when squabbles break out between DH and his sister! Do brothers EVER stop bugging their sisters? For anyone who was wondering the answer is NO! Here Juli is doing her gymnastic trick, skin-the cat, for the 7th time! Auntie got rubber arms!
Then we gave the 2 year old full rein of the camera just for kicks. Surprisingly enough she knows exactly how and what to do! Here is her first modern art photograph. "AYO" must mean something (besides the obvious close up shot to the Crayola box)!

After a day of family fun the hubby and I went to dinner at the Outback Bar so as not to stray far from the March Madness game. But there was no complaining on my part. When we pulled up it was already super busy at 5:30. I sent my man in to put down our name for some seats. Figuring we would be waiting awhile for dinner I sat in the car till he came back. Except he didn't. I filed my nails, checked my phone for a fun new ringtone, twiddled my thumbs and sent him a text message. "Where you at monkey?" He called a few seconds later. "I got us a table at the bar - come on in." I looked down at the car door - the locks were down. "I can't" I replied. "You locked me in my car!" He had to ask the waitress to save our spot, explaining that he had locked the doors upon exiting the car and if I tried to get out the alarm would sound! DuOh!
That is a funny story. It's a good thing you messaged him or you never would have eaten. I loved the ayo picture too. Great post.
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