"Once upon a time there was a little bomb. It blew up the whole city. Then it blew up the entire universe! The end."
Yes, this is a real story written by one of the children in the VPK class at Ben's school. Very frightening isn't it? And to be even more absurd is the fact that they hung it on the wall next to all the other stories about going to Disney World or buying groceries with mommy! Terrifying. And check it out. This is the picture he drew to go with his story.

Yes, you are seeing it right. Blackness. A black crayon run over the paper so many times it was beginning to curl. If I were the teacher in this class I'd be having a parent/teacher conference right away! Ok - I understand freedom of the written word and even equality among students (meaning if they hung everyone else's stories they would have to hang this child's - ok fine we all know it's a boy!) - but don't you think when a 4 year old boy comes up with this kind of story there must be something, shall we say, not so healthy going on in his pea brain?! If I were his mother I would be shocked and distraught. But behind the bedroom doors, in the privacy of my own bathroom, I would laugh my ass off!!!!!!!!
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