HNT~ Houston, We Have A Problem

Why I love My Troll, a lesson in humanity
To catch all of my visitors up to speed, I have acquired a troll, no really, little ole me! I'm quite flattered; you know you are someone in the blog world when people start flinging poo your way. Oh but wait, this troll would probably fling lysol or gas-x my way.

In honor of my troll I have taken a cue from Osbasso and Fidget and created a movie discussing the reality of the situation. For your own safety I recommend abstaining from food and or drink while viewing this film. Additionally some colorful language and bodily functions are utilized, please read silently so as not to warp young minds.
Without further adieu Me and My Groupies Theater proudly presents Fart Police
I bow to your level of creativity!
Anonymous--words cannot express how much I despise you and your kind. If you don't have the balls/ovaries to sign your name, you don't belong here. You are the lowest form of slime that exists in the blogsphere. I fart in your general direction.
very cute! and if my damn comp would let me run the video, I am sure I would love that too! HHNT!
LMAO!!! OMG... that is TOO funny...
"Dude, your backside just totally represented!"
I will laugh at that and snort all night long...
LOL. that was a funny video and the kid is just tooo darn cute in his space helmet :-). HHNT
New to your blog. Fidget pointed the way.
Just wanted to congratulate you on your troll. I am still working on acquiring my own.
By the way, I loved the post and the movie. Any one who can appreciate a good toot is all good in my books!
In our home, farting is the ultimate sign of affection. It means "I love you". Think about it...are you going to fart on strangers or people you love. We have fart contests and believe it or not, dad isn't always the winner. Farting is a sport in our house and we have a very happy home. The children will not be lettin em rip in the middle of class though. We have taught them that there is a time and place for EVERYTHING, not just farting.
Live strong and keep farting!
What a creative way to vent!! I wish I knew about this movie thing, when I have had my "anonymous troll"!!!
found you through Fidget :)
xo ~Izabella
Wow. I don't have a troll yet. You rock. Your movie is awesome.
Okay. Don't know if your troll is special enough to be able to answer this, but both complaints said that it was sick of reading this. Why wouldn't you just stop reading it?
I have had the trolls in my day, but I have the upside of having a particularly hostile "bouncer" who regularly reads my blog. By the time I get around to reading the troll's comment, he's already been lit up. They don't often come back for round 2.
Fidget told me to come and so I dutifully obeyed. Kudos to you for making lemonade out of lemon. Or a cute film out of the small little fetid pile of waste that is your troll.
Poor you. Your problem is so self destructive, hope you can get it fixed. You are not a writer, nor have the ability of a writer. You are letting some element, maybe a second personality speak through you and drag you down into the sewer. Those at the same level are applauding your descent. The truth is mothers and nurses teach children healthy habits and social acceptability from Day 1. The truth is that kind of writing is the rambling of an unstable mind. Get some help and restore the balance needed.
Aww look our favorite troll came out to play!!
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