Ben was a half an hour late for school this morning! We slept and slept and when I woke up it was 9, but it felt like 8. I rushed, he rushed, Juli went with us in her diaper and bed head! The teacher had locked the door and was right in the middle of a project. Needless to say I was a bit embarrased as I knocked for Ben to be let in. POO! The time change has us all totally fog brained. Last night it took two hours to get the kids to settle down for bed. The first hour felt too early and the second hour they were over tired! Oh well...there is a first time for everything...yes I have never been more than 7 minutes late. Can't say that anymore.
I soooo know what you mean! I hate the time change! We too, were late to school today, and bedtimes are nooo fun either!
Hang in there!
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