It's HNT and I don't have my camera!

So here is my darling girl being...well being a girl! Just doesn't get any cuter than this! That's it baby, show me your fat lip!

My DH is taking a fishing day today (yes, he works for himself so he can do that) and he took the camera. Last night as I was showing him some picture possibilities for today he muttered "I don't like that." At first I thought he meant the pics, so I asked him. Turns out I have a jealous husband; which I think I really like! He doesn't want everyone else seeing certain parts of me. What? You mean you don't want me to post pictures of my love handles, my butt rolls or my armpit boobs? OH FINE!
Have it your way! (giggle giggle)
And one more thing just because I wanna complain about it. Last night I was out on the road going somewhere to do something (don't blame me for my brain farts - blame the time change). I'm cruising along, singing my song and I looked in my rear view mirror. Some bee-atch was riding my ass trying to get to the RED light faster than me. I resisted the urge to stay in front of her and slow down to a crawl and moved into the other lane. She went zooming by in her little white Beamer and as she did I cast one of my meanest glares in her general direction. She had her seat way back (like bee-atchs do) and her big ole' bug-eye glasses (another bee-atch thing Hilton started) and she had her manicured, flip-flop clad foot hanging out the window. I think I actually snorted when I laughed! But then all I wanted to do was roll down my window and ask her if the color of car was white or grey (it was even grosser than my car and I live on dirt road). What stops me from being a bee-atch to someone who needs it?!
OMG the boo boo lip is PRICELESS!
She's darling!!!
As for the bumper rider...I would have siad something, you show such restraint!
Happt HNT
Happy HNT! Have a great day!
my hubby doesnt want skin in my HNT post either! He's such a party pooper but I have to respect it.
your daughter is a darling lil thing.....why is her lip fat?
Happy HNT
melody - I always think of what to say AFTER the fact!
Avery's mom - the fat lip is Juli's sad face - happy/sad/happy/ sad - it's a game we play.
Thanks for the comments!
Aw, what a cutie! HHNT
Aww... very sweet! Cheers and Happy HNT!
What a cutie :) Happy HNT!
she is adorable, be a proud mama! HHNT!
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