Me and My Groupies

I am a stay at home mom to the 2 cutest groupies a cowgirl could ever wish for! My Hubby and I are and have been best friends for as long as I can remember and that makes for some good....:)~ Needless to say my family is the love of my life!

Friday, April 07, 2006

The Princess and the Pea...errr...quarter

I haven't been sleeping well. As you can see form my previous posts I have until now blamed the time change. So, last night was the same as every other night. Stayed up till I felt a matter of fact I was exhausted. When my head hit the pillow my mind started turning. I don't have any idea what I was thinking about so intently but it kept my from sleeping. I used my body relaxation technique. Think about your feet - feet relax - now your legs - legs relax - and so on until you are relaxed. It actually helped and I fell asleep. The first time I woke was a nature call. No big deal but of course I couldn't fall back asleep. Flipped my pillow, turned over, found the covers, turned over know the routine. The next time I woke was the sound of my son calling very urgently for daddy. Yelling for daddy actually. The sound of his voice was so full of fear it shot adrenaline through my veins. Once my heart stopped beating through my chest I fell asleep again. At some point I rolled onto a Binky and woke up as it dug into the soft space between my ribs! I think Ben woke me up one more time before my alarm did and by that time I swear I hadn't slept more than 4 hours. I rolled myself into the bathroom where I sat on the pot and took my pj's off. There, stuck to the side of my leg was a quarter. My foggy brain figured I had just sat on it a few minutes before. But as I pulled the coin from my flesh I realized it had been there a long time. It had made it's own little quarter sized whole in my leg with a clear impression of a president's head. Weird...but at least it explains why I haven't been able to sleep. No telling how long that money had been hidden beneath the covers! Needless to say I am changing the sheets on my bed today and I fully expect a good 9 hours of sleep tonight!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now if it had been a silver dollar, it might have been worth it but to lose all that sleep for a quarter really sucks !

3:45 PM  
Blogger Erin M said...

Can you make change for a dollar?

4:03 PM  

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