Baby shower and a cry for HELP!

I am throwing a shower for a girlfriend of mine. About 5 of my friends have been pregnant lately - must be in the air but I didn't know it was so contagious! I love throwing parties, but this time it's with NO MONEY! We just moved and haven't sold the other house yet so money is tight. I have to come up with some games and decor on a serious budget and I am worrying way too much about this. So I am putting it out there to hear what you all have to say. Anyone have any thrifty ideas? I am very crafty so even things I could make on my own would be cool. But since I got pregnant my creative side has taken a downward spin! Help me!
I really don't have any ideas but wanted to stop by and say hi to my newest tenant.
I am stopping by7 from Val's place. I don't have any ideas either but wanted to say hi.
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