Our Newest Addition
In case moving, taking on a baby 40 hours a week and getting pregnant weren't enough, we now have a $300 addition to our family. We got a beautiful Ragdoll kitty. I have been familiar with this breed for quite some time but was surprised to find out how many people have no clue what Ragdolls are. To put it simply they are show cats. Only bred to and by the best of the best. We were LUCKY to find Belle at such a low price. But we fell in love with her and begged! She has been one of the best $300 dollars we have ever spent. Not only is she beautiful and adores people, but she NEVER pulls out the claws or teeth, even when my brother spins her across the floor or my 2 year old pulls the hair on her tail!
Yesterday I found her sleeping in an abandoned drawer on the kitchen floor.

She is so floppy she pretty much looks comfortable anywhere. I let out my son's little ferret today and followed closely to make sure he and kitty would be ok together. What I saw should have made it to Planets Funniest Animals. The ferret hopped along doing his exploring thing and kitty followed, chirping at him! Any time he disappeared behind dressers and even the dish washer, kitty would wait for him and pop him on the head as he would start to come out! The ferret thought it was fun and began darting from place to place with kitty on his tail! At one point they actually had a tussle but it didn't last long cause the ferret freaked out as his little body disappeared beneath the 13 pound cat! For hours after I put the little guy away Belle roamed the house crying. I think she was annoyed that she didn't get to satiate her natural lust to wrestle the little varmint to the ground and pin it with her teeth! Thank god...cause that video would have made it to the Animal Rights Activists!
ohhhh Look at her, she is SOOO SWEET!! Ragdolls are so worth it, they're the loviest. 300 dollars? At least you didn't do what I did...see a sign, go in, see TWO persian kittens left from a litter that had mostly been sold a month or two previous. 10 minutes, an ATM ride and $500 later...I had 2 persian kittens padding around my kitchen. We had just bought a house and cash was tight, but there was NO way I wasn't going home without those two kittens! You enjoy her, You'll find it was one of the best $300 you ever spent!
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