Prince Charming? or just a Baby Frog!

Some might think it too early to be discussing names. At 8 weeks I am just barely getting over the morning sickness. I have no baby tummy yet. Just a bloated stomach and a dropping ego! At least my pants still fit (on good days). I hate being pregnant, but I love having babies. So, this leaves me constantly thinking of the one part of pregnancy I love (besides not having to do the dirty dishes cause the smells make me dry heave). Writing down our favorite names. Jude, Jackson, Luke, Cash, Jack, Caitlyn, Emma, Kiera, Katy...I bought a book with 100 thousand baby names so we won't over look a single one!
As we were riding in the car I was thinking. "How do you like Lukas?" I ask DH. He thinks it's alright, but he's not as excited about that as I am. He can't even tell I'm pregnant for crying out loud, cept for the fact that I'm bitching an awful lot! When there is some movement and a picture to go with the belly, that's when he begins to get excited.
4 year old Ben pipes up from the backseat. "Who's Luke, mom?"
"It's just a name we are trying to decide if we like."
"Yeah but WHO is it?"
"It's a name for the baby. (he's totally into the fact that I could be having a boy) We have to think of what we're going to call the baby. Like we decided to name you Benjamin and your sister Juliana."
dad asks "What names do you like for the baby, Ben?"
A short pause followed by (in all sincerity) "We should call him FROG!"
Hey Robyn! It's cousin Mandy... I have personally always liked "C" names for boys. For example: Calvin, Caleb, Casey, Cayden. OOOH choosing names has got to be so exciting, good luck!
you missed your western trip how about Wyatt, Wayne, Roy, Gene, or Jessie
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