Remember these?
If you don't then please visit my March Archives and read about my obsession. These are the boots I had dreams about!

With the help of my brother they were ordered as a birthday present. When they came I lifted them out of the box and straight to my nose. Ahhhhhh...leather smell! Then I put them on. I was wearing my crappy clothes at the moment since we were packing to move but I didn't care how silly I looked. They were MY boots! I bought them for a trip West I had been planning on for 2 years. I bought my size but only the right foot boot fit. Weird, I thought. Maybe I was just PMS or something and had a swollen foot. I decided to wait a week or so and try them again before returning them for another size. But the next week I missed my period. I knew what that meant. No trip. And if no trip, I really had no reason to hang on to a $250.00 pair of boots no matter how much I love them! So, this week I must send them back. (Tears welling) Sadness. But not without a finally heavy sniff goodbye!
aww poor boots, bye bye
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