Moved on and getting going!
I thought of something everyday to blog about computer. Sorry to those who dropped by and saw a post 2 weeks old. Thank you to those 3 of you loyal readers who come back hoping for more! Well, I've got it!
I have started watching a five month old 40 hours a week for some extra income. And I just moved and I'm in the first trimester of pregnancy...not the best time to watch a kid but I thought "what's one more?" Evidently one more is the straw that will break this mama-camel's back. I won't vent about that just yet. I'm sure the day is coming when I will need to blog scream and rant (that will be the day I will need 10 comments to keep me from pill popping!) Yesterday my perfect angel of a child (not bias here. People really ask me how she got to be so darn good - that's when I look at them funny and clear my throat "ummmm she's mine" I say) - anyway darling Juli has been having the hardest time of all adjusting to the new house. She screams "I wanna go home to mommy's house!" Yea, that's a hard one to explain to a two and half year old. So she has needed extra comfort and security, including back to sleeping in mommy's bed, carrying two binkies at all hours of the day and taking naps! And dealing with a baby all day is challenging and totally unfair to her as far as she's concerned. But thus far we have had no aggression toward the baby as a result...just my toaster!
I was spending time with my 4 year old while the baby slept and Juli watching tv. I'm not sure when she left the room but I wouldn't be one to worry about that anyway. Then my nose caught whiff of a faint burning smell. It took my brain more seconds than usual to realize I WASN"T COOKING ANYTHING! I jumped up..."Juli what are you doing in there?"
"I toast mama!"
"What's in there?" I'm yelling by now as I look into my toaster oven and see smoke pouring out. Again I froze (I must blame this on my pregnancy...I guess it takes brain cells to make a baby. And this one should be extra smart!)
"Baba" Juli says worried now that mommy is shouting.
What do I do? Do I need a fire extinguisher? Do I even know where one is in the new house? Can I just use water? But won't that be really bad cause it's electrical?
And then whatever is in there actually catches on fire! I was forced to think fast and whatever I would do had to be done across the chair that the culprit had used to get on the counter in the first place. Cause there was no time to move a chair! First I turned off the oven and unplugged it. I grabbed the oven mit and yanked the rack out.

The paper cup turned to ashes as it touched the air and the melting "baba" (baby bottle) began to instantly cool around the wire rack. Damn, I should have put that bottle away when I was done with it (but how many of us SAH moms really do that? Ok...don't answer that) Once the fire was under control I turned on Juli. I don't think I was mean, but my tender hearted drama mama can not tolerate getting in trouble. She burst into tears!

I switched tactics. I said how she scared me and how I hoped she wasn't hurt! I know she won't mess with the toaster again...that's the good thing about her "she never makes the same mistake twice." (quote from Anne of Green Gables). I guess we resolved the issue but a half hour later and Juli was still pouty. Guess that's what comes of a child who's "mine!"

what lip!!! how cute..
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