"Movin on up" ceremony

Here is my Ben with his "moving up" class (he's the kid who's head is the only part of his body visible). They played Jesus Loves Me on the bells...well most of them did. Ben and the little girl next to him were fighting eachother for more space (as you can see there was none). Each time they elbowed the other, their bells would ring out of place. I had to laugh!
Ben is done with his preschool class. On the one hand I am excited. He will be in pre-K starting in July. But that's just it...starting in July! What am I supposed to do with him until then? He is not the child who plays nicely on his own...or even is able to think of something to play on his own. That would be Juli. So, not only do I have to spend the next month figuring out things for him/us to do, I have to keep reminding myself that computer, tv and Nintendo MUST to be limited. SInce Ben was young I have been trying to teach him how to be imaginative and creative but some kids just don't have that ability! So, to school he went. I am a firm believer however that you never stop learning things about your kids and I am praying that he surprises me. Anyone else dreading summer?
gah I have 10 days between end of regular school and summer school for Mira, I am seriously dreading it. Not to mention the 1 1/2 months between sumer school and regular school - GAH! Year round school sounds better and better
AHHH...yes...boarding school has been talked about around here as well in reverent, hushed tones.
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