So much for the complaining

I guess I didn't take into account all the things I have to be grateful for with summer coming and my little groupies moshing at my feet all day! Cause 2 days ago all I did was whine and bitch and the next day I was hit by a train...the flu train! I am down for the count; passing out on the couch only to wake and find my children wandering around the backyard in sheer boredom. At least it was the backyard! I have no voice to yell with (and I realize now just how much of that I do - not only in anger but when the grubbys can't find me and begin to panic cause they haven't thought to look in my room)! I have no throat to swallow with and the "eating every two hours" thing still needs to happen or I will throw up! I have no strength to argue and the kids have taken full advantage! Watching entirely too much tv and having snack food in place of meals!
And of course I have no desire for any "boom boom" but my DH tells me every few seconds how ravishing I am even when I'm sick. I answer with an infamous eye roll and last night I had to peel his hand off my ass in a sleep deprived stupor!
On a good note I called in sick, so for two days I have no screaming child to watch! There's a little good in everything isn't there?!
I hope you feel better by this weekend!
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