Me and My Groupies

I am a stay at home mom to the 2 cutest groupies a cowgirl could ever wish for! My Hubby and I are and have been best friends for as long as I can remember and that makes for some good....:)~ Needless to say my family is the love of my life!

Monday, July 24, 2006

20 weeks to go...and counting! (almost as exciting as the shuttle)

My skin is dry and cracking, my belly is itching and my double D's are already bigger! I am 19 weeks pregnant at this moment and the most exciting thing that has happened thus far is the day I came oh so close to buying a fetal heart monitor so DH and the kids could listen to baby.
I should be having a sonogram right now and waiting for my glucose and blood test results to come back and tell me I am low on iron (like I usually am). But instead I sit and wait...wait on the state of Florida to tell me if I qualify for financial help with this baby.
Because of trouble early on and blood testing I have already done our bills at this moment exceed $1300 - and that's just in the first trimester because I haven't seen a doctor in two months! Not so good, I know, but what else to do?
I always have little ways of staying excited and pepped for another child. Usually it's through listening to the heartbeat at least once a month, finding out the sex of the baby, beginning my collection of baby clothes and even starting to decide what needs to go on my registry.
As it is, I am staying excited through nest keeping (ohhh fuuun) and buying things for my other children, like books about being a big sister and magazines that have pictures of baby inside the womb. patience level is burning out! I WANT A SONOGRAM NOW!


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