Me and My Groupies

I am a stay at home mom to the 2 cutest groupies a cowgirl could ever wish for! My Hubby and I are and have been best friends for as long as I can remember and that makes for some good....:)~ Needless to say my family is the love of my life!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Want a cardio workout without moving?

And I'm not talking about thaaaaat...dirty, naughty!
Phone Booth was on tv last night. It was pretty freaky. My heart was pounding at such a fast pace I almost wondered if it was unhealthy!
The review I have linked is pretty right on. They could have done so much more with the whole point of the movie, redemption, but just as it is, the ending is what REALLY gets you!
So, if you think you can handle it, check it out and if you get bored (I didn't though) wait for the end! It does have a lot of language, but since it was on tv they blurped out every bad word! While I usually don't mind this, some of them were really there for a reason!
Also you might want to turn off your phone while your watching. Once the movie was over I lay down in bed and began to fall asleep. In my doze I heard the phone ring and jumped out of my skin! It really was an approaching train! Yes, exactly...the only way a train can sound like a phone is if you've been mentally psyched!

Anyway, I got my cardio for yesterday...while bumming on the couch!


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