My first famous person dream!

I think everybody in the world has had famous people in their dreams besides me! Well I finally had mine and someone I never expected was there to greet me. Clint Eastwood? What in the world? How random. I think I figured it out. My DH had my cell phone set to wake him up at 5:00 this morning. It was loud - and it was playing The Good the Bad and the Ugly - a real western. I remember growling at him to turn it off. Then I made him give it to me and I turned off the snooze (whoops - hehe). So when I went back to sleep that's what was on my mind. In the dream I had my cell phone and it rang to the same great tune. And Clint Eastwood stopped to say what a cool ringer it was. I acted totally nonchalant (sooo not what I would be like in real life) and showed him my phone. I told him I got it because of him and all his westerns! He smiled at me and moved on. Weird and cool at the same time, but to be brutally honest I think I have only EVER seen one movie with Eastwood. Oh well, he's still hot in his cowboy hat!