Me and My Groupies

I am a stay at home mom to the 2 cutest groupies a cowgirl could ever wish for! My Hubby and I are and have been best friends for as long as I can remember and that makes for some good....:)~ Needless to say my family is the love of my life!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


So, I saw another mom from Ben's school at Tae Kwan Do class where Ben is a white belt. I told her the school has called every day Ben has missed. Weird? She thought so too. And then she told me that the class started the alphabet!
I do not kid you!
He missed learning the letter A!

(they caught him up to speed but that's not the point)

"It's like rain on your wedding day - A free ride but you've already paid - It's the good advice that you just didn't take! - And who would have thought?

Monday, August 28, 2006


Ok - today is the 3d day of school Ben has missed due to this nasty cold we just can't shake! It's too much mucas for one nose to handle!
The first day he missed it was a surprise to me because the day before he was in great shape. It hit like a hurricane!
So, it didn't surprise me that his school called. Of course they would want or need to know if he had a sudden case of malaria - or even if he was just throwing up.
But they called the next day and then again this morning!
"Yes - he's still sick."
I promise we still want to come to school and you will get next month's check ASAP!
Maybe they just really like Ben? Or maybe it really matters when you miss 3 days of VPK - Pre-Kindergarten!
Like maybe now his alphabet will only consist of all the letters minus A-B and C!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Unidentified Cravings and the Non-cake

I hate cravings. I get them once in while when I'm not pregnant but when I am it is out of control. I keep hearing that cravings are usually your body's way of telling you that something is missing in your diet. At first I craved Sushi on a daily basis! And I packed myself full of California rolls, Dragon rolls and veggie sushi. Then came the cravings for red meat and leafy greens, probably a signal that my iron intake was low. But recently my cravings have been for soda (which I don't buy so I can't have) and cookies! Now, I don't think there is any way to justify a craving for massive amounts of processed sugar!

Last night I was having the worst case of "I want something so bad and can't figure out what it is!" This unidentified craving was bothering me to the point of controlling my abilities to think and speak clearly!
It came to me as I mindlessly stared into the TV and it's mesmerizing flashing lights...I want cake...thick chocolate cake with the fudge icing that's hard to swallow and the little cocoa sprinkles that give it a bit of crunch!
I told my DH what I was craving simply because I was proud of myself for figuring it out. He jumped up willing and ready to run out at 10:00 at night and find my chocolate cake! I loved the thought but made him promise instead to bring cake home tomorrow.
He disappeared into the kitchen for what I thought was an after dinner snack and before long the smell of chocolate began to fill the house. What he brought me has now been dubbed the "non-cake" and it hit the spot like no cake ever could!
He melted chocolate chips and butter together and mixed in some pecans, coconut, graham cracker crumbs and milk. It was like melted fudge...heaven on a spoon!

And I slept like a baby for the first time in 24 weeks!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

It's a very sad day...

My little vampire has had her first bite of flesh.
My tender pregnant tummy flesh!
And very much like a vampire, it was bite of rage!
For as much as a super fun mommy as I know I am, I would not let her have a ring pop for breakfast! So tragic...I mean the end of the world! She let me know it! And I am pretty sure her backside got the point I made too!

Monday, August 07, 2006


-note to troll...and you thought our tooty booties were bad!-

So before you freak out and leave me a nasty comment about what kind of mother I am for teaching my little girl such an ugly gesture, let me reassure you that we just happened to catch her in an "I'm so shy" moment. The finger came up, we snapped the shot and the hand went down! We spent the next five minutes laughing at the millions of ways we can use this picture while Juli stared at us like we were nuts!
Today I am using our candid shot to express my deepest and truest feelings about Mondays.
Tomorrow I may use it to show how I really feel about the 21st week of my pregnancy, and the day after that I will use it to show my disgust of laundry!
See how versatile! Now don't you wish you had a picture like mine?!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Next time you loose your shopping basket with your purse in it, try to remember the last aisle you were just browsing on before having a complete panic attack and recruiting 6 Wal-Mart employees to rush around the store looking for a thief!
Also try not to CRY next time! Freaking pregnancy!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

School time blues
I am reminded this morning of how often kids catch colds when they go to ANY public place on a regular basis.
The first three days of school are this week and I have a cold already. I have been sick quite a few times since getting pregnant. I guess because of immune system issues - but the point is, when the kids DO start bringing home the germs it looks like I will be the first one to get them! Grrrreat!
On a brighter note - Juli LOVES school. And she is obsessed with the tiny little potty and the tiny little sink! If every parent had a bathroom like that, kids would be potty trained before they even turned 2 years old!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Just can't express how excited I am about that. I love my kids and I have really good kids - but they have been bored out of their mind this summer! No matter how hard I have tried to schedule something fun to do at least three times a week, it's not the same as constant and independent interaction with others kids and people who are NOT your immediate family.

The best things about this summer?
Juli is potty trained! And ready for school.
Ben learned how to swim! Though he will most likely forget by the time next summer rolls around!
And, of course, though I hate actually being pregnant, I am so excited about having another baby!
My own...not like the one who is mine three times a week and spends at least 50% of that time her crying and bitching. (Actually that's what she's doing right know and has been doing for the past 15 minutes cause she doesn't want to take her nap).

And just to start the school year out right I have a cold - thanks to DH and way too much...(clearing throat)...kissing this weekend! :)