Me and My Groupies

I am a stay at home mom to the 2 cutest groupies a cowgirl could ever wish for! My Hubby and I are and have been best friends for as long as I can remember and that makes for some good....:)~ Needless to say my family is the love of my life!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

And it's official!
I have bronchitis! I didn't really need anyone to tell me that, but at least I can officially tell my DH (and the kids)I haven't been slacking or faking.
What wonderful joy a little pink pill can bring! The antibiotic! And the Musinex can rid my system of the yellow and bloody goo! But nothing can help the cough. "The cough is a good thing though you know?" doc says.
Really? Try telling that first to my aching chest and my hoarse throat. The tender blood vessels above my eyes have burst from the pressure. The only time that has EVER happen to me before was when I was pushing a child from my burning loins!
And second try telling my Hubby and my kids that the coughing is a good thing. They were the ones who were woken up countless times a night as I jumped out of bed to spit out what just came up! DH would say "Oh geez honey...can I do anything for you? Can I get anything for you?"
ANYTHING to make you stop!
Well, the cough may be around for a while. But the infection has already packed up and awaits the tissue train to another victim!
May it not be you!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Enough of the cough!
Enough of the pounding ears!
Enough of the hoarse throat!
Enough of the MUUUUCUSSSS!
I am spewing and horking all day and all night. Forget sleeping and eating! I'm 10 weeks pregnant and dropped five pounds! The house has gone to HELL! And the children are on the same path! All I wanted was to be better be Fidget's big (and yummy) luau! So I begged the hubby home from work with a sad, sad (and very true) tale of woe. "I didn't sleep last night, the kids are friggen crazzzy, and I can't handle this crud anymore. I am stuck in a cycle of green and yellow mucus and I can't get out!"
To the doctor I went. In full confidence I headed to my regular walk-in clinic where they always take such good care of me. This place, this hallowed ground is the beginning to the end of EVERY ailment! I have spent 2 and a half hours there before in the room of sickness, willing to put up with the ridiculous wait just to see that beloved man in the white coat holding a pen and prescription pad! I enter the door hesitantly...and let out a sigh of relief. Only 3 people ahead of me! I sign in and put a check in the little box that lets them know I'm pregnant. And I wait. Didn't know three people could take so long. But it's ok. The man in the coat is behind those doors if I only have patience! "Robyn" Yes! That's me! Whoops...a little too enthusiastic for the giant, black, male nurse at the door. Oh, he's an intern. I won't be seeing the doctor. Oh well, as long as he consults the doc on what to give me. I explain my ailments being sure to relate to him the color of the snot I've been coughing up! he wants to know when my last period was. Ummmm...February I guess. He looks at me funny. "Well I'm" His eyebrows shoot up to his curly hairline! "I wrote that on the sign in paper," I whimper. "Well, that changes everything..." He stands. "I'll be right back."
Five more minutes. Good he's consulting the doctor just like I wanted. In 24 hours I'll be as good as new! LUAU HERE I COME!
The intern comes back. Without a tad of sympathy he states, "We can't help you if your pregnant!"
"You mean there's nothing I can take being so early in my pregnancy?"
"No, we can't prescribe you anything. We can't treat pregnant women. Our insurance doesn't cover pregnant women."
I frown feeling like I am diseased from the way he used the word "pregnant"
This office sees kids and adults...just not little kids inside adults!
It would have been nice of them to tell me from the time I signed in and checked the little "pregnant" box, that they couldn't treat me at that office!
In my best Napoleon Dynamite voice "Goooshhhhh! Idiots!"

Saturday, May 27, 2006

One of those things you swore you'd never say to your kid!
Yesterday morning I felt worse than the day before. I was very tempted to call in some backup, but whoever I would call would have to NOT care about getting sick! And on Memorial Day Weekend! Needless to say I was on my own.
Breakfast is not usually anything too big in this house unless DH is home to make it! My kids are not big breakfast eaters although (before you leave comments about how important the first meal of the day is) I always make them have something. So yesterday it was oatmeal with little dinosaurs candy eggs in it that hatch when you poor the hot water over them. The kids love it and I love it cause it usually means they will clean the bowl. But I only had one package left. Hmmm...I would have to divide it and poor in half of another bag of plain oatmeal to make up the difference. So that's just what I did. They both got candy eggs and they both got the same amount as usual. OR SO I THOUGHT!
As soon as Ben took a look in his bowl he wailed, "I didn't want that much!" Which means the opposite of what it would normally other words I gave him too little. He wanted more.
"That's as much as you always get buddy!" Ok, maybe a baby lie. I might have been off by a teaspoon or two.
"But I always eat all my oatmeal!" He cried. Yes cried. Now there were tears about the oatmeal. Deal making time.
"If you eat all of that I promise I will make more!" Another baby lie...what would I make more with except the plain oatmeal. Preposterous!
"But I want more now! I always eat all my oatmeal!" Forget deal making!
"Son, if you don't cut that attitude you can take it in your room! You do not have to eat the oatmeal, but if you decide not too there won't be anything else for breakfast! And when you find yourself hungry in an hour? There will be cold oatmeal still waiting for you! I am tired of all this pickiness about food! YOU KNOW, THERE ARE SOME KIDS IN THIS WORLD WHO HAVE NEVER EVEN GOTTEN TO TRY DINOSAUR EGG OATMEAL! SO CONSIDER YOURSELF LUCKY AND BE THANKFUL!"
As soon as the words came out of my mouth I looked around the room for my mother! I know I heard her! Darn! It was me! Oh know the weird part. It worked. Ben shut his mouth, sat down and scraped the bowl clean. And didn't need anymore!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Too much half-nekkidness for me!
Sorry HNT bloggers. I have nothing to share with you of myself for HNT. At ten o'clock this morning I was spreading my legs for another man; being fondled, and probed and felt up! But, I have no breast lumps, I have a "good uterus" (actual spoken words from my doc) and there is a healthy 9 and 1/2 week shrimp inside there! So, the man handling wasn't worth naught! But, I have lost my creativity to get half nekkid for anyone else today!
So today I am pimping out my husband! And the blow fish he caught while salt water fishing.

Happy HNT. And give my renter a click for "Women Lifestyle, Fashion, Health, Beauty and Personality on tips, news, and information." The celebrity blogs are the best! Angelina is ready to bust and has flown her OB all the way to Africa!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Isn't it Ironic? all means something!
I woke myself up this morning in a racking, hacking, coughing fit. Actually I woke up my hubby and my kids too. The one practically on top of me and the other one at my feet! (no wonder we're all sick).
"Happy birthday" I crackled in DH's ear as he kissed me goodbye. "oh wait...can you go to the store first and get me all the stuff to make your birthday dinner?!" How sad is that?! But, he can either help me out or we can just pretend his birthday is actually on Saturday! Still...the guilt!
So, the dinner is cooking, and his favorite homemade bread is rising and I hide my face in my shirt for every cough and sneeze! Ewww....then I look around the house for the first time in 3 days.. Thanks to DH's sister it's not looking to bad, but the laundry room is filled to overflowing. I had to sniff each pile to determine clean or dirty! Ahhh...more guilt. This morning Mr. J had to wear one of his new birthday shirts (from his sister...yes the only presents he got were from his sister! Insert more guilt) cause all his other shirts are either dirty or wrinkled beyond recognition! So, even through my coughing fits and the fact that every breath hurts, I am doing laundry. Like really doing...each load is being folded and hung. Maybe I shouldn't push myself but I feel so bad! I'm supposed to be taking care of my man! (pause...cough cough...HACK!...gasp...need air!)
Then I saw Fidget's post today!
WTF am I doing? How come he can't do one load for himself so he doesn't have to "hang loose" all day! It's not like he has to throw a basket of clothes over his back, march down to the river, fend off the hungry crocs and algae just to get something clean to wear! He's damn lucky he hasn't said a word about the laundry that's all I can say!
Oh yea...Happy Birthday honey...I love you! LMAO!

And as I am visiting my fav blogs for the day I find this over at momyblogR

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

So much for the complaining

I guess I didn't take into account all the things I have to be grateful for with summer coming and my little groupies moshing at my feet all day! Cause 2 days ago all I did was whine and bitch and the next day I was hit by a train...the flu train! I am down for the count; passing out on the couch only to wake and find my children wandering around the backyard in sheer boredom. At least it was the backyard! I have no voice to yell with (and I realize now just how much of that I do - not only in anger but when the grubbys can't find me and begin to panic cause they haven't thought to look in my room)! I have no throat to swallow with and the "eating every two hours" thing still needs to happen or I will throw up! I have no strength to argue and the kids have taken full advantage! Watching entirely too much tv and having snack food in place of meals!
And of course I have no desire for any "boom boom" but my DH tells me every few seconds how ravishing I am even when I'm sick. I answer with an infamous eye roll and last night I had to peel his hand off my ass in a sleep deprived stupor!
On a good note I called in sick, so for two days I have no screaming child to watch! There's a little good in everything isn't there?!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

"Movin on up" ceremony

Here is my Ben with his "moving up" class (he's the kid who's head is the only part of his body visible). They played Jesus Loves Me on the bells...well most of them did. Ben and the little girl next to him were fighting eachother for more space (as you can see there was none). Each time they elbowed the other, their bells would ring out of place. I had to laugh!
Ben is done with his preschool class. On the one hand I am excited. He will be in pre-K starting in July. But that's just it...starting in July! What am I supposed to do with him until then? He is not the child who plays nicely on his own...or even is able to think of something to play on his own. That would be Juli. So, not only do I have to spend the next month figuring out things for him/us to do, I have to keep reminding myself that computer, tv and Nintendo MUST to be limited. SInce Ben was young I have been trying to teach him how to be imaginative and creative but some kids just don't have that ability! So, to school he went. I am a firm believer however that you never stop learning things about your kids and I am praying that he surprises me. Anyone else dreading summer?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Being pregant is...eating EVERY two hours. I feel like a pig!

And peeing every 30 minutes! At least it appears that I am drinking enough fluids!

LOL! Happy HNT everyone. Click on the lady in red on my sidebar to find out what the craziness is all about!
And give my renter a click! In The Outer is a great place to read and express yourself on the deeper things of life! Tell her My2groupies sent you!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Baby shower and a cry for HELP!

I am throwing a shower for a girlfriend of mine. About 5 of my friends have been pregnant lately - must be in the air but I didn't know it was so contagious! I love throwing parties, but this time it's with NO MONEY! We just moved and haven't sold the other house yet so money is tight. I have to come up with some games and decor on a serious budget and I am worrying way too much about this. So I am putting it out there to hear what you all have to say. Anyone have any thrifty ideas? I am very crafty so even things I could make on my own would be cool. But since I got pregnant my creative side has taken a downward spin! Help me!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Prince Charming? or just a Baby Frog!

Some might think it too early to be discussing names. At 8 weeks I am just barely getting over the morning sickness. I have no baby tummy yet. Just a bloated stomach and a dropping ego! At least my pants still fit (on good days). I hate being pregnant, but I love having babies. So, this leaves me constantly thinking of the one part of pregnancy I love (besides not having to do the dirty dishes cause the smells make me dry heave). Writing down our favorite names. Jude, Jackson, Luke, Cash, Jack, Caitlyn, Emma, Kiera, Katy...I bought a book with 100 thousand baby names so we won't over look a single one!
As we were riding in the car I was thinking. "How do you like Lukas?" I ask DH. He thinks it's alright, but he's not as excited about that as I am. He can't even tell I'm pregnant for crying out loud, cept for the fact that I'm bitching an awful lot! When there is some movement and a picture to go with the belly, that's when he begins to get excited.
4 year old Ben pipes up from the backseat. "Who's Luke, mom?"
"It's just a name we are trying to decide if we like."
"Yeah but WHO is it?"
"It's a name for the baby. (he's totally into the fact that I could be having a boy) We have to think of what we're going to call the baby. Like we decided to name you Benjamin and your sister Juliana."
dad asks "What names do you like for the baby, Ben?"
A short pause followed by (in all sincerity) "We should call him FROG!"

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Remember these?
If you don't then please visit my March Archives and read about my obsession. These are the boots I had dreams about!

With the help of my brother they were ordered as a birthday present. When they came I lifted them out of the box and straight to my nose. Ahhhhhh...leather smell! Then I put them on. I was wearing my crappy clothes at the moment since we were packing to move but I didn't care how silly I looked. They were MY boots! I bought them for a trip West I had been planning on for 2 years. I bought my size but only the right foot boot fit. Weird, I thought. Maybe I was just PMS or something and had a swollen foot. I decided to wait a week or so and try them again before returning them for another size. But the next week I missed my period. I knew what that meant. No trip. And if no trip, I really had no reason to hang on to a $250.00 pair of boots no matter how much I love them! So, this week I must send them back. (Tears welling) Sadness. But not without a finally heavy sniff goodbye!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Our Newest Addition
In case moving, taking on a baby 40 hours a week and getting pregnant weren't enough, we now have a $300 addition to our family. We got a beautiful Ragdoll kitty. I have been familiar with this breed for quite some time but was surprised to find out how many people have no clue what Ragdolls are. To put it simply they are show cats. Only bred to and by the best of the best. We were LUCKY to find Belle at such a low price. But we fell in love with her and begged! She has been one of the best $300 dollars we have ever spent. Not only is she beautiful and adores people, but she NEVER pulls out the claws or teeth, even when my brother spins her across the floor or my 2 year old pulls the hair on her tail!
Yesterday I found her sleeping in an abandoned drawer on the kitchen floor.

She is so floppy she pretty much looks comfortable anywhere. I let out my son's little ferret today and followed closely to make sure he and kitty would be ok together. What I saw should have made it to Planets Funniest Animals. The ferret hopped along doing his exploring thing and kitty followed, chirping at him! Any time he disappeared behind dressers and even the dish washer, kitty would wait for him and pop him on the head as he would start to come out! The ferret thought it was fun and began darting from place to place with kitty on his tail! At one point they actually had a tussle but it didn't last long cause the ferret freaked out as his little body disappeared beneath the 13 pound cat! For hours after I put the little guy away Belle roamed the house crying. I think she was annoyed that she didn't get to satiate her natural lust to wrestle the little varmint to the ground and pin it with her teeth! Thank god...cause that video would have made it to the Animal Rights Activists!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

HNT - The Power of Geisha!

To melt a heart, to bring a smile, ooozing cuteness out every orifice! This is the power of a Geisha.

Super glad I took these pictures cause the next day after a wash they had two buttons pop off and the crotch of the pants frayed open. We're not talking ripped in an easy to fix seam, actually frayed like cut-off jeans! poo! Or as Juli says (thanx to her Auntie) "Poopin Da Pan!"

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Moved on and getting going!

I thought of something everyday to blog about computer. Sorry to those who dropped by and saw a post 2 weeks old. Thank you to those 3 of you loyal readers who come back hoping for more! Well, I've got it!


I have started watching a five month old 40 hours a week for some extra income. And I just moved and I'm in the first trimester of pregnancy...not the best time to watch a kid but I thought "what's one more?" Evidently one more is the straw that will break this mama-camel's back. I won't vent about that just yet. I'm sure the day is coming when I will need to blog scream and rant (that will be the day I will need 10 comments to keep me from pill popping!) Yesterday my perfect angel of a child (not bias here. People really ask me how she got to be so darn good - that's when I look at them funny and clear my throat "ummmm she's mine" I say) - anyway darling Juli has been having the hardest time of all adjusting to the new house. She screams "I wanna go home to mommy's house!" Yea, that's a hard one to explain to a two and half year old. So she has needed extra comfort and security, including back to sleeping in mommy's bed, carrying two binkies at all hours of the day and taking naps! And dealing with a baby all day is challenging and totally unfair to her as far as she's concerned. But thus far we have had no aggression toward the baby as a result...just my toaster!
I was spending time with my 4 year old while the baby slept and Juli watching tv. I'm not sure when she left the room but I wouldn't be one to worry about that anyway. Then my nose caught whiff of a faint burning smell. It took my brain more seconds than usual to realize I WASN"T COOKING ANYTHING! I jumped up..."Juli what are you doing in there?"
"I toast mama!"
"What's in there?" I'm yelling by now as I look into my toaster oven and see smoke pouring out. Again I froze (I must blame this on my pregnancy...I guess it takes brain cells to make a baby. And this one should be extra smart!)
"Baba" Juli says worried now that mommy is shouting.
What do I do? Do I need a fire extinguisher? Do I even know where one is in the new house? Can I just use water? But won't that be really bad cause it's electrical?
And then whatever is in there actually catches on fire! I was forced to think fast and whatever I would do had to be done across the chair that the culprit had used to get on the counter in the first place. Cause there was no time to move a chair! First I turned off the oven and unplugged it. I grabbed the oven mit and yanked the rack out.

The paper cup turned to ashes as it touched the air and the melting "baba" (baby bottle) began to instantly cool around the wire rack. Damn, I should have put that bottle away when I was done with it (but how many of us SAH moms really do that? Ok...don't answer that) Once the fire was under control I turned on Juli. I don't think I was mean, but my tender hearted drama mama can not tolerate getting in trouble. She burst into tears!

I switched tactics. I said how she scared me and how I hoped she wasn't hurt! I know she won't mess with the toaster again...that's the good thing about her "she never makes the same mistake twice." (quote from Anne of Green Gables). I guess we resolved the issue but a half hour later and Juli was still pouty. Guess that's what comes of a child who's "mine!"